Your Personal Habits Determine Your Future

Muhammad Ameen
3 min readMay 7, 2021


Have you ever suddenly woke up in life and realized, “How did I get here?” It is so easy to flow in life without even realizing it. Your habits determine your future.

It is a common law you cannot bypass. It is as strong as gravity in your life. The sum of your present life is bound up in your past choices. While most of us know this to be true, we often live as if this reality doesn’t exist.

“The sum of your present life is wrapped up in your past choices.”

How Your Particular Habits DefinesYour Future

I want to give you powerful ideas as to why our particular habits will define our future. Maybe some of these will connect with you and assist you to begin giving attention to those daily habits in life.

Because we are creatures of habits

Whether we want to accept it or not, we manage our life by habits. In reality, specialists tell us that 90% of our daily behavior is based on habits. You have habits for your time routine, your daily commute, how you settle your bills and what you do with your free time. The earlier we believe that we are in truth creatures of habit, we can start to identify those particular habits that are not taking us in the direction that we want to go.

Because you are the sum of your past habits

Your habits determine your future because of the law of sowing and reaping. In fact, the present “you” is a sum of your past choices in life. The most obvious example is if you are overweight. You are overweight because of the past choices you made to eat more and exercise less.

It is painful for us to admit that the responsibility lies with us. We often want to point to our environment, bad luck, and how we were the victim when it comes to the negative things in our life. The sooner you accept responsibility for your life, the sooner things can begin to change for the better.

Because your direction determines your destination

Your intentions in life mean nothing. The actual direction you take (i.e daily choices and personal habits) determine your destination.

“Your intentions in life mean nothing. The actual direction you take determines your future.”

Because you always end up where you put your focus

My life purpose paints a clear picture of where I want to go in life. It works like a GPS. The more I review it, the more I have to re-align my actions, thoughts, behaviors, and habits to meet my life goals.

Where do you put your focus? Sure, you can say you have no real goals for your life, but that isn’t true. What goals you have not set, someone else has set them for you. You are heading somewhere in life, you don’t have a choice.



Muhammad Ameen
Muhammad Ameen

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